You may consider yourself a safe driver. You probably also consider yourself a knowledgeable driver and a good one to boot. While all of this may be true and you may have a sparkling driving record there may be some things that you are missing.

online test

When was the last time you brushed up on your knowledge base when it comes to driving theory in your home country? If you have been driving for years, chances are that there may be some new rules, regulations or legalities that you may not be aware of.

If you are ready to test your driving theory knowledge here are a few quick and easy ways to do it.

Online Mock Tests

You can take mock theory tests online that are modeled after the DVLA’s actual test questions to test your existing knowledge of driving theory. These tests are updated as the DVLA updates their own tests so you can be sure that you are testing yourself with the most up to date information. This is especially helpful if you have been driving for a long period of time and you want to brush up on your driving theory knowledge.

Mock tests are also valuable for anyone who is attempting to obtain a driver’s license for the first time.

Hazard Perception Abilities

This is an extremely important aspect of driving theory and it is centered around your ability to detect potentially hazardous situations before and as they are happening. Hazard perception ability is important because it allows you to perceive potentially hazardous situation and to avoid the situations as safely as you possibly can. Hazard perception skills can keep you and your passengers safe if you are aware of what is going on around you at all times. The key to hazard perception is awareness and to be distraction free. No cell phone conversations, texting, or scrolling through your social media feeds.

The thought process is that if you can recognise or perceive the chain of events leading up to an accident before they are happening and your perception ability is on point, you will be able to avoid major accidents, minor fender benders, and anything in between.

Driving Theory Apps

There are some great driving theory apps that you can download on your smartphone or tablet that you can utilise to test your knowledge base on the go. These apps are great for seasoned drivers and newbies alike.

You can choose from the DVLA official app, or third party apps that give you mock tests, the ability to schedule an actual driving theory test if you are new to driving, and more. Many of the apps are free and are available on both Apple and Android.

You will be amazed to see how many different types of road signs there are, what their meanings are, what the safety regulations are regarding your vehicle and other vehicles on the road, alertness tips, road conditions and vehicle handling and more.